Free Credit Score Check

Your UK credit score is essentially a numerical summary of your credit history. Consumers do not have one universal credit score and a lender does apply their own credit score to each credit application. A credit score is important as it shows how healthy your credit history is overall (the higher the score the better) and it is good to check it before applying for any credit to improve your chances of being accepted.

Credit scores are numbers up to 999 normally and are available from the UK credit reference agencies; Experian, Equifax and Transunion (TU). Each credit reference agency will provide a different score and when you apply for credit lenders can use any of the three so it is worth checking all three scores to ensure there is no problems that will limit your ability to be accepted.

Free Credit Score & Report Services

  • Free Equifax Score

  • Equifax Credit Report

  • Free 30 Day Trial

  • £14.95 per month

  • All 3 Bureau Scores

  • All 3 Bureau Reports

  • Free 30 day trial

  • £14.99 per month

  • Free Experian Score

  • Experian Credit Report

  • Free 30 day trial

  • £14.99 per month

How to check your credit score for free?

Below are the options available to accessing your credit score for free:

  • have a free 30 day trial and is the only provider of multi-agency (Experian, Equifax and Transunion) credit reports and scores which we recommend as the quickest way to check all your credit scores and reports quickly saving time and money. After the 30 day trial it charges £14.99 per month.
  • Simply sign up above for a free 30-day trial from Experian and Equifax to obtain your credit scores (updated daily) and reports. After the 30 day trial there is a monthly charge of £14.99 for Experian and £14.95 for Equifax.
  • Experian also provides a free for life score only access which includes a view of your Experian credit score update monthly.
  • Transunion provides it’s credit scores and reports via approved partners such as

Do credit reports include my credit score?

Statutory credit reports do not provide your credit score just a basic view of your credit history. Paid for services include both your credit score and credit report.

Key reasons you should check your credit score before you apply for credit

Consumers tend to only check their credit score and credit report when they get rejected for credit, but it should be checked in advance of any credit applications for the reasons below:

  • You are more likely to be accepted for credit in the first place, and avoid being rejected.
  • The credit you do get, is likely to be at a cheaper interest rate (cost), as you are seen as a less risky customer.
  • You can see what a lender will see, when they review your application.
  • If it is poor, it means you can look at improving it before making any credit applications,
  • Combine your credit score with the lenders requirements for a product, as they will often say, ‘only apply if you have an excellent credit history’, or average credit scores considered, to improve chances of being accepted for credit.

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Approved Partners


ClearScore, Checkmyfile

Credit Karma, TotallyMoney, Checkmyfile